An Integrative Physical  Therapy  Studio

Body Atelier is an Integrative Wellness Studio by Dr. Alexis Kinder

Dr. Kinder provides her clients with an integrative wellness experience. She creates a nurturing practice using Physical therapy, CranioSacral therapy, Visceral Manipulation, and the Gyrotonic method. In this way, each individual has the opportunity to achieve a healthy lifestyle, allow the body to heal itself, and create a more integrated body.

We Specialize in the Gyrotonic Method


The Gyrotonic Method incorporates the whole body utilizing the breath while stimulating the nervous and musculoskeletal systems through exercise. Benefits of the Gyrotonic Method include increased strength, flexibility, coordination and balance. The Gyrotonic Method exercises are performed on specialized equipment to offer controlled resistance, assistance, and increased mobility.


The Gyrokinesis Method incorporates all the ideology of Gyrotonic into a fluid, full body experience performed on a chair or mat. Gyrokinesis allows for functional strengthening through movement sequences that address creating harmony and space throughout the body as a whole. Gyrokinesis is an excellent option for privates, group classes, and virtual training as well.

CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy stems from osteopathy and is a light touch therapy designed to release restrictions and dysfunctions throughout the body. The hands-on treatment allows for a rebalancing of the body system and is beneficial as a complementary treatment.

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation is a gentle manual technique involving specific placement of soft manual forces to encourage the normal mobility, tone and motion of the viscera (internal organs) and the connective
tissue and ligaments that support each organ.

Improve Quality of Life

Tailoring the treatment sessions to what is individually needed at the time, the methods utilized allow for the client to begin to improve function, reduce pain, gain strength and live life without pain.

Overall Health

Whether you are looking to strengthen your body and improve performance or you want to reduce pain from chronic physical issues, we can help. Send us a message and take the first step towards whole body wellness.