CranioSacral Therapy

Welcome to the world of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), a gentle yet profoundly effective hands-on therapy that draws its roots from osteopathy. CST is dedicated to releasing restrictions and dysfunctions throughout your body, paving the way for a harmonious and balanced system. Let us guide you through the remarkable journey of CST and its potential to alleviate a wide range of conditions.

About CranioSacral Therapy

Rediscover Harmony and Healing with CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is not just a treatment; it’s an opportunity to reawaken your body’s natural ability to heal and thrive. Whether you’re seeking relief from pain, improved mobility, or enhanced overall function, CST can be your path to a healthier, more vibrant life.

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy is a therapeutic approach that applies a delicate touch to unlock the body’s innate healing capabilities. It’s rooted in the principles of osteopathy and focuses on rebalancing the body system by releasing tensions and restrictions. This therapy can be a transformative experience, allowing the body to heal itself naturally.

Benefits of CranioSacral

CranioSacral Therapy offers a wide range of benefits that cater to individuals seeking relief from pain and muscle tension. Here are some of the key advantages:

The Power of CST: Alleviating Conditions and Restoring Vitality CST offers a multitude of benefits, making it a valuable resource for addressing various conditions. Under the expert care of Dr. Alexis Kinder, CST has been harnessed to provide relief and restoration for conditions including:

Neck and Back Pain: CST targets the source of tension and discomfort, often providing relief from chronic neck and back pain.

Migraine and Tension Headaches: By releasing cranial restrictions, CST can reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine and tension headaches, promoting a life free from the burden of constant pain.

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ): TMJ issues can be incredibly disruptive. CST offers a gentle and effective approach to addressing TMJ discomfort, helping to restore pain-free jaw movement.

Sinus Issues: CranioSacral Therapy can aid in alleviating sinus problems, promoting clearer breathing and overall sinus health.

Post-Surgical Treatment: Post-surgery, CST can assist in the recovery process by releasing residual tensions and promoting the body’s natural healing abilities.

Begin your Gyrokinesis® journey with us today and unlock the potential for fluidity, strength, and balance in your life. Contact us to schedule your session, and let the transformative power of Gyrokinesis® lead you toward a healthier, more vibrant you. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Experience the Gentle Touch of Healing
CST is distinguished by its gentle and non-invasive nature, making it suitable for individuals of all ages and conditions. It respects your body’s innate wisdom, facilitating the release of accumulated tensions and encouraging the body’s own healing processes.
Dr. Alexis Kinder: Your Partner in Wellness

Under the expert care of Dr. Alexis Kinder, CST becomes a powerful tool for your well-being. Dr. Kinder’s expertise and dedication ensure that you receive personalized and effective CST treatments tailored to your unique needs.

Rediscover Vitality with CranioSacral Therapy

Begin your journey with CranioSacral Therapy today. Contact us to schedule your session, and let the gentle touch of CST guide you toward a life filled with greater comfort, vitality, and well-being. Your body will thank you for it.

CranioSacral Session

If you’re ready to experience the transformative power of the CranioSacral Therapy contact us today to schedule your session.

Begin your CranioSacral Journey Today

Experience the transformative power of this innovative movement system. Contact us to schedule your session.

Book a CranioSacral Session

Take the first step towards unlocking your full potential. Your body, mind, and spirit will
thank you for it.


We believe in personalized care. Each CranioSacral therapy session is tailored to your specific needs and goals. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or looking to enhance your athletic performance, our instructors will work with you to achieve the best results.




Pain relief


Stress reduction


Improved sleep


Emotional release


Enhanced well-being


Headache alleviation


Balances nervous system


Increased energy flow