Our Frequently Asked Questions page, provides quick insights into our services, ensuring a seamless and informed experience on your journey to wellness.

Frequently asked questions

What happens during a physical therapy initial evaluation?

A: Dr. Kinder will take a full history and evaluate the appropriate systems to develop a treatment plan, focusing on improving function, reducing pain if necessary, and enhancing mobility.

What should I wear to my appointment?

It is best to wear comfortable clothing that allows free movement.


Gyrotonic is a holistic movement system that enhances strength and flexibility.

What is Gyrokinesis?

Gyrokinesis is a fluid, whole-body movement method performed on a chair or mat.

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle touch therapy focused on internal organs and body restrictions.

What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral Manipulation is a light touch therapy addressing internal organ restrictions for improved health.

What does a Physical Therapist do?

A physical therapist specializes in improving an individual’s quality of life through various methods, including soft tissue release, joint mobility, and balance training.

Will my physical therapy session be covered by insurance?

We do not accept insurance; you may submit a Superbill to your provider.

Do you accept Medicare?

We do not accept Medicare or work with insurance companies.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Payment is due at the time of service, and we accept cash, check, Visa, and Mastercard.

What kind of parking is available?

Parking is available in front of the studio.

Do you offer gift certificates?

Yes, we offer gift certificates for Wellness, Gyrotonic, Gyrokinesis, and Craniosacral services.

How can I book an appointment?

Appointments and classes can be booked online, in person, or by calling our office.

How much will it cost? What are your prices?

For detailed pricing information, please contact our office directly.