
Looking at physical therapy from a whole body, integrative approach, Dr. Kinder aims to help improve function, control, balance, and muscular strength for the client. Clients will be evaluated and both acute and chronic conditions will be addressed. Physical therapy treatment is for multiple conditions such as injury rehabilitation, post surgical rehabilitation, strength building, balance, and reducing restrictions within the body. Overall, this leads to a healthy maintenance of wellness for the client.


The GYROTONICⓇ Method is a movement system developed by artist, dancer, athlete and inventor Juliu Horvath. The Gyrotonic Method incorporates the whole body utilizing the breath while stimulating the nervous and musculoskeletal systems through exercise. Benefits of the Gyrotonic Method include increased strength, flexibility, coordination and balance. The Gyrotonic Method exercises are performed on specialized equipment to offer controlled resistance, assistance, and increased mobility. 

The therapeutic applications of the Gyrotonic Method are extremely beneficial for injury recovery and rehabilitation. With the adaptability of the exercises and the equipment, all ages and levels of ability can greatly benefit from Gyrotonic. 


The GYROKINESISⓇ Method incorporates all the ideology of Gyrotonic into a fluid, full body experience performed on a chair or mat. Gyrokinesis allows for functional strengthening through movement sequences that address creating harmony and space throughout the body as a whole. Gyrokinesis works with the breath and the core to stimulate increased sensitivity of the nervous system while strengthening. Gyrokinesis is an excellent option for private and group classes. 

CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy stems from osteopathy and is a light touch therapy designed to release restrictions and dysfunctions throughout the body. The hands-on treatment allows for a rebalancing of the body system and is beneficial for a variety of conditions. CranioSacral Therapy facilitates the body’s own healing processes through releasing tensions in the body that allow for decreased pain, and improved mobility and function.

Dr. Alexis Kinder utilizes CST for many conditions such as:

  • Neck and back pain
  • Migraine and Tension Headaches
  • Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
  • Sinus issues
  • Post surgical treatment

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation is a form of light touch manual therapy that focuses on the internal organs and their possible restrictions within the body. There are many physiological and structural dysfunctions that can arise from visceral restrictions pertaining to the tissues and organs in their environment. Visceral manipulation can help improve health by relieving pain, improving posture, and allowing the body to inherently heal itself. Visceral Manipulation can have positive effects on the musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urogenital, respiratory, digestive, and lymphatic systems.

Wellness Visit

A wellness visit is focused on clients who do not currently have pain or a specific injury, but would like to be evaluated by a doctor of physical therapy. The PT will assess movement patterns, flexibility, strength and medical history. A plan of care will be created which could include manual therapy, strengthening, a home exercise program and client education.

Benefits of Gyrotonic

Gyrotonic is an effective method for improving the bodies freedom of movement, agility, balance and overall body awareness.


Spinal articulation


Neuromuscular coordination


Increased stamina


Body awareness


Enhanced breathing capacity


Stress reduction


Improved balance


Functional integration


Customizable workouts